in order to work hard, and to sweat, and to push forward and to grow, in order that we should be worthy and feel worthy in the next world to receive our reward. This is basic, basic Jewish philosophy. Sometimes people ask me, “Do Jews believe in the next world?” It’s the whol...
Do Jewish people believe in the Book of Joshua? Do Mormons believe in the New Testament? Do Jewish people reject the Book of Leviticus? What do Jews believe about Jesus? Is the Torah the same as the Old Testament? Does the Old Testament apply to Christians?
The Hebrew word for angel,mal’ach, means messenger, and the angels in early biblical sources deliver specific information or carry out some particular function. In the Torah, an angel prevents Abraham from slaughtering his son Isaac, appears to Moses in the burning bush and gives direction to ...
The Torah consists of five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, referred to as the Five Books of Moses. Traditionally, going back to the ancient Israelites, Jews believed that Moses himself wrote all five of “his” books. Over time, however, certain inconsistencies caused...
In this fresh and lucid study, Ariel presents the fundamentals of Jewish thought on the profound issues of God, human destiny, good and evil, Torah, and messianism, guiding the reader toward a definition of the beliefs that shape Jewish identity. This lively exploration of Jewish ideas and ...
Additionally, Messianic Jews believe Jesus Christ was the Son of God and through faith in his death and resurrection, there is salvation. Messianic Jews adhere to the teaching of the Torah, the Hebrew Bible, yet believe that the promised Messiah was Jesus Christ the Son of God. Judaism and...
“The future of the Jews, I believe, will always be in Israel; it’s just a matter of time. Personally, I think that I’m going to end up here. I want to finish my degree first,” she said. Watching the events on US campuses since Oct. 7 “made me want to stand up for Isra...
Ten percent of Protestants, 21 percent of Roman Catholics, and 52 percent of Jews do NOT believe in God. That’s the surprising word from a new survey by Harris Interactive of 2,306 adults that shows belief in God varies quite widely among different segments of the American public. How of...
Why do Orthodox Jews have curls? Payot are worn by some men and boys in the Orthodox Jewish community basedon an interpretation of the Tenach injunction against shaving the "sides" of one's head. Literally, pe'ah means "corner, side, edge". There are different styles of payot among Hare...
Can you give me a reason why the Bible is the Word of God? Because every religion in the world will say that their book is the word of God. Why do you believe exclusively that this book, the Bible, is the Word of God? The apostle Peter wrote to us a very important a...