But there is a nervous system, and the nervous system reacts to stimuli. Do oysters have a coelom? The Phylum Mollusca is a large and diverse group of animals that includes clams, scallops, oysters, snails, slugs, squid, octopus, and chamber nautilus. ... The mollusks are bilaterally ...
modern octopuses and their relatives, squids and cuttlefish, began to emerge,losing the shellsof their ancestors, becoming faster—and becomingpredators. Around this time, they also started to develop larger brains that
It takes forever, and is best made the day before, but the ultimate comfort food when it’s time to eat. Wine Suggestion: A good southern Rhône blend will have the muscle and richness to match this without being to heavy or tannic. A firm favourite, though we’ve not opened one ...
Instead of teeth, octopuseshave sharp beaks. They use them to break open things like clam and lobster shells so that they can tear out and eat the yummy insides. Do squids or octopus have beaks? Like all squid and octopus, and their relatives,the colossal squid has a beak. ... The ...
Clam shrimp are a variety of very small crustaceans that developed a protective apparatus similar to bivalves. They have two tiny shells on either side of their bodies that they can tuck into and close in the presence of danger. Answer and Explanation:1 ...
See more squid pictures. Brian J. Skerry/National Geographic/Getty Images About 300 different species of squid have been swimming in the world's oceans for more than 400 million years [source: National Wildlife Federation]. They caught human interest from the moment one tentacle was seen --...
They change shape and color, and squirt ink. But they also will return your gaze, "as if they're scrutinizing you."
Other toothed whales include dolphins, porpoises, belugas, narwhals, beaked whales, and others. Their diets are different from killer whales. Most of these toothed whales eat octopuses, squid, fish, and crustaceans, which are sea animals with shells, such as crabs. Baleen Whales' Food Lesson...
What phylum are squids in? What phylum are fish in? What is the phylum of a butterfly? What is the largest phylum of animals? What classes are in the Pteridophyta phylum? What is cerata in members of the phylum Mollusca? What is the phylum Gnetophyta?
An octopus mimicking a squid. (Photo Credit: Aquarius Traveller/Shutterstock) For instance,Indonesian researchersfound that the mimic octopus changed its color and arranged its body to imitate various fish, such as the lionfish and damselfish (see photographs below). ...