Why is vapor pressure of solution lower than pure liquid? Why is water less dense as a solid? Why is ice less dense than liquid water? What are the differences between liquids and solids? Why does ice have a lower density than liquid water?
Explain why gases always occupy the entire container they are in but solids and liquids do not. Explain why the noble gases do not react with other elements? Briefly describe the physical and chemical characteristics of ammonia gas. Define vapor pressure and give its explanation. ...
... This increases the pressure. What are two gas properties? Gases have three characteristic properties: (1) they are easy to compress, (2) they expand to fill their containers, and (3) they occupy far more space than the liquids or solids from which they form. Does gas have shape?
Now gases take up a vast amount more space than liquids or solids, so we'd need to turn the hydrogen gas into liquid hydrogen, making it easier to transport and store, by compressing it to a high pressure. Then we'd transport the hydrogen to gas stations ("hydrogen stations"?) where ...
Still have questions? Find more answersAsk your question Related questions What gasses condense? Gases with low boiling points, such as water vapor, can condense into liquid form when cooled. Additionally, gases with high vapor pressure can also condense under the right conditions. ...
carbondioxidefreewater,watervapor,mercaptans,nitrogen,helium,andsolids.Nearlyallofsiteimpuritiescausevarioustypesofop eratingproblems. 井流通常是液态烃、气体和某些杂质的复杂混合物。在液态烃储存、输送和销售前,必须从浪态烃中脱除气体和 某些杂质。气体进人销售管道前,也必须从天然气中脱除液态烃和有害杂质....
Why would humans have to wear spacesuits on Mars all the time? The most critical factors for immediate survivability and comfort on the Martian surface are to provide:sufficient pressure to prevent the boiling of body fluids; supply of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide and water vapor for ...
Air Pressure Pushes Down on Pig Pen! We Can Watch Air Pressure Work! Watch This!! What Just Happened? What pushed the egg into the jar? How strong is air pressure? Why don’t we get squashed by air pressure? Have students breath in and out. Ask them, “What do you have inside of...
fine powders performed in a solvent at a temperature between the boiling and critical point with a pressure up to the vapor pressure at the critical point [3,4,5,6]. Gel routes including sol-gel, Pechini, citrate, and glycine nitrate methods produce a semi rigid gel as an intermediate ste...