defenceless against its predators like dingoes and large snakes. However, raptors like eagles, owls and kites are the most formidable of all frilled-neck lizard predators. Especially due to their sharp eyesight and strong claws, these birds have less difficulty in spotting and hunting a frilled ...
Snakes swallow their prey whole, which means they must also consume the bones and fur. But most animals can’t digest bones, which makes you wonder how they’re processed by a snake’s body. All snakes digest food using strong stomach acid and enzymes. The prey stays in the stomach for ...
Having lived in the D.C. area several times in my life, I have come to expect that driving the Capital Beltway will provoke my anger. Obviously, I know I’m not unique in this. Just observe your fellow motorists on any badly-engineered, heavily-traveled road, and you will sense barely...
Do great apes eat their offspring?Great Apes:Great apes are a group of primates distinguished by their lack of tails, curved spines, opposable (or prehensile) thumbs, and large brains. There are only eight extant species of great apes, which are orangutans (three different species), ...
Do all mammals have vertebrates? Mammals are vertebrates, which means that theyall have backbones (spines). Believe it or not, most animals don't have backbones -- mammals are one of the few groups that do. All mammals, except some sea cows and sloths have seven bones in their necks....
Why are monkeys so afraid of snakes? Why do we have two eyes? In addition, why aren't there more than two? Why is it possible for cats to survive falls from heights above 60 feet? Why does a child have more bones than an adult? Why is the cranial bone thin? Why are there no ...
Does a salmon have limbs? Salmon have eight fins including the tail. They are made up of a fan of bone-like spines with a thin skin stretched between them. The fins are embedded in the salmon's muscle, not linked to other bones, aslimbs are in people. This gives them a great deal...
Why don't wild monkeys exist in Europe and North America? Why are monkeys so afraid of snakes? Why do acorns have caps? Why do most animals have tails? Why do seals have toes? How do monkeys, donkeys, and other animals keep their teeth clean?