If a pair of homologous chromosomes fail to separate during anaphase of meiosis I, what will be the chromosome number of the four resulting gametes with respect to the normal haploid number (n = 10)? A human individual is phenotypically female, but her interphase somatic nuclei...
Since cell division occurs twice during meiosis, one starting cell can produce four gametes (eggs or sperm). In each round of division, cells go through four stages:prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. What happens in meiosis ll? During meiosis II,the sister chromatids within the two...
chiasma (pl. chiasmata) In genetics,a cross-shaped structure forming the points of contact between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes, first seen in the tetrads of the diplotene stage of meiotic prophase I. Chiasmata are thus the visible expression of crossing-over of genes. Wh...
Cell,Vol.84,25–35,January12,1996,Copyright©1996byCellPress SeparationofSisterChromatidsinMitosis RequirestheDrosophilapimplesProduct,aProtein DegradedaftertheMetaphase/AnaphaseTransition RembertStratmannandChristianF.Lehnerwithinthecentromericregion,isessentialfortheor- dereddistributionofhomologsandsistersinmeiosis...
1 名词either of the two strands into which a chromosome divides during mitosis. They separate to form daughter chromosomes at anaphase 染色单体 英英释义 chromatid['krəumətid] n. 1 one of two identical strands into which a chromosome splits during mitosis 专业释义 生物学 染色单体-引...
In which steps are microtubules moving the chromosomes? Two separate classes of movements occur duringanaphase. During the first part of anaphase, the kinetochore microtubules shorten, and the chromosomes move toward the spindle poles. During the second part of anaphase, the spindle poles separate as...
organelles, proteins,membranes APBiology InterphaseG2 Nucleuswell-defined chromosomeduplication complete DNAlooselypackedin longchromatinfibers Preparesformitosis producesproteins& organelles APBiology Mitosis copyingcell’sDNA&dividingit between2daughternuclei Mitosisisdividedinto4phases prophase metaphase anaphase...
meiosissexualcycleschromatidsmetaphaseprophase 1 MeiosisandSexualLifeCycles •Livingorganismsaredistinguishedbytheirabilityto reproducetheirownkind •Heredity –Isthetransmissionoftraitsfromonegenerationtothe next •Variation –Showsthatoffspringdiffersomewhatinappearance fromparentsandsiblings 2 InheritanceofGenes ...