We just put our love Tyson down as he developed a rapid pneumonia and was in distress. He went from old age well to dying in a matter of hours. I’m glad he didn’t suffer but I was not ready. I’d never be though. He was 16 years and 3 months. He was walking around th...
The Genocide of American Seniors Continues: 8 Dead in Fully-Vaccinated Connecticut Nursing Home Parents in NY Take to the Streets to Warn Ignorant Parents Injecting Their Children with Pfizer Shots as Injuries Among 5 to 11 Year Olds Now Being Reported Parents Sacrifice Hundreds of Thousands...
shots. We see this pattern across all age groups. A comparison o nursing home death rates between those who did and didn’t have a u shot indicates seniors who get a u shot live longer than those who don’t. Newly introduced vaccinations like ...