High scorers on the physical anhedonia (PA) and schizophrenism (SZ) scales of a questionnaire constructed to measure schizotypy were compared with a group of control subjects. A reaction time test was used that required switching attention across or between auditory and visual modalities. It was ...
Cannabis affects the severity of schizophrenic symptoms: results of a clinical survey Data on the history of cannabis use and a spot urine test for cannabinoids were obtained for 137 schizophrenics in treatment. Subjects who were using cannabis during the 6-month observation period presented with a...
作者: S Steven 摘要: For the past 50 years, researchers have been trying to demonstrate that schizophrenics give uncommon word associations. Although secondary sources largely agree that these demonstrations have been successful a review of the most frequently cited studies reveals that there has ...
but it's also possible that this internal monologue may be present without a “voice.” When asked, most deaf people report that theydon't hear a voice at all. Instead, they see the words in their head through sign language.
Not all schizophrenics hear voices, but about 70% do. Most schizophrenics who do hear voices hear them intermittently, and they...
Biological Psychiatry Volume 29, Issue 9, Supplement, 1 May 1991, Pages 76Abstract Paper session Schizophrenia Thursday, May 9, 1:00–6:00 pm Ponchartrain ASerial cat scans do not show significant changes in ventricular structures in schizophrenics ...
Spontaneous Involuntary Disorders of Movement: Their Prevalence, Severity, and Distribution in Chronic Schizophrenics With and Without Treatment With Neuroleptics Using two standardized recording techniques (the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale [AIMS] and the Rockland Scale), spontaneous involuntary movement...
【Keywords】Oxiracetem;Risperidone;Chronicschizophrenics;Cognitivefunction 精神分裂症由阳性症状、阴性症状、认知功能损害三大症 状组成 [1] ,而认知功能损害作为精神分裂症的核心症状之 一,严重影响患者的社会功能,阻碍其很好地回归社会,对于 慢性精神分裂症患者这一点显得尤为突出 [2] 。近年来有相 关研究将促智...
The age-old concept is that schizophrenics are non-emotional personalities; because of the differences in the inner emotional feelings and its outward expressions (Bleuler and Kraepelin). So, there must be some dissociation between the emotional experience and expression. Electronic journal-database ...