通常来说,如果我们希望生成的文本具有更高的多样性,那么可以设置 `do_sample` 为True。 这三个参数可以根据具体的应用场景和需求进行调整。一般来说,`top_k` 和 `top_p` 可以用来控制生成文本的多样性,而 `do_sample` 则可以用来控制生成文本的随机性。
调用 sample() 方法 贪婪柱搜索:当num_beams>1且do_sample=False时,做一个num_beams的柱搜索,每次都是贪婪选择top N个柱。调用 beam_search() 方法 采样柱搜索:当num_beams>1且do_sample=True时,相当于每次不再是贪婪选择top N个柱,而是加了一些采样。调用 beam_sample() 方法 多组柱搜索搜索:当num_bea...
控制参数的作用:为了在保持一定连贯性的同时引入多样性,可以调整与随机抽样相关的控制参数,如temperature、top_p或top_k。适当调整这些参数可以在连贯性与多样性之间找到一个折衷,例如,使用较小的temperature或较高的top_p、top_k可以限制抽样范围,使生成的文本在一定程度上保持连贯。 do_sample=True时采用随机抽样策...
mindie请求do_sample=true,tok不配置,mindie报错,服务退出 报错如下: [Model] >>> Exception:top_k has to be a strictly positive integer, but is 0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/python3.9.5/lib/python3.9/site-packages/model_wrapper/standard_model.py", line 47, in ...
answer sheet sample answer the inquiry answer transfer answer yes answered this call answered zara answering answering key answering lamp answeringmachinen answeronacheck answers and translati ant man ant-cycle system antacid saspension antagcnist antagonisticpairskele antagonisticsystem antagonium antagonize...
k.a Anti-XSS Library? FeedViewerAdvanced UX Sample Test Page placeholder for WHDC What would the world be like if everyone had a serendipity engine? Mobile Technology Takes the Lead Data in the HTML5 World Starting Up in the Cloud MSDN Translation Wiki Overview French TechNet Support - ...
Currently it means the notes that contain the requested terms the most times are on top. For queries with multiple terms, it also matters how close to each other the terms are. This is a bit experimental so if you notice a search query that returns unexpected results, please report it in...
Return top K most likely classes: python predict.py input checkpoint ---top_k 3 Use a mapping of categories to real names: python predict.py input checkpoint --category_names cat_To_name.json Use GPU for inference: python predict.py input checkpoint --gpu ...
You apparently unchecked »Sample All Layers«! (edited) Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply gaylem24939371 AUTHOR Explorer , Aug 31, 2023 Copy link to clipboard That works too, AND it's quicker and less combuersome. Thank you for letting me know...
Currently it means the notes that contain the requested terms the most times are on top. For queries with multiple terms, it also matters how close to each other the terms are. This is a bit experimental so if you notice a search query that returns unexpected results, please report it in...