Root canals are tiny tunnels that run the length of a tooth’s root. (From its pulp chamber down to the root’s apex (tip).)(FYI: Measuring the length of these canals How it’s done. is a very important part of the root canal process.) As a rule, every tooth root (note: some...
Population decreases may not be immediately apparent in long-lived species if only adults are considered for short, 1–2 year periods; conversely, potential benefits of flow alterations may increase in value over time as fish adapt to new flow regimes. Of studies included for quantitative analysis...
I’m pretty sure I would still be lost down some nameless dark tunnel. As I’ve said, there is no getting around the island except on foot or by boat. If you are on foot there are at least five canals to traverse to get to any destination....
Surely there are plenty of lessons to be learnt from the past. Jihad will not die. It will become dormant and resurfaces when strong. Unless tackled at its root, history will repeat itself again and again. This time unfortunately, it will be in the rich Europe and the Americas. usual s...