1. Where do robins live? They live in Asia, Europe and Africa 2. Why does the mother robin sit on the eggs? To keep their babies warm 3. What do robins use to make their nests? They use grass, sticks and mud to make their nests. 4. According to the studies, how many nests do...
The young birds have sports on their chests.Most robins stay at one place through thefour seasons. But some of them will fly to southern countriesin winter.(1)5. What do you think of the life of robins?(2)2. Why does the mother robin sit on the eggs?(3)1. Where do robin live?
I was about to climb the tree to get a good look inside the nest when Dad saw and stopped me. Dad said Robins did not want to be bothered. I nodded. We went for quite a while and then decided to sit at the picnic table with a glass of cool water. As we sat there, I watched...
She sits on them to keep them warm. The eggs are blue. After the babies hatch (孵化), both the mother and the father feed them. Most robins stay at one place through the four seasons. But some of them will fly to southern countries in winter. Robins Places Asia, Europe and Africa....
Croston R, Hauber ME (2014b) Spectral tuning and perceptual differ- ences do not explain the rejection of brood parasitic eggs by American robins (Turdus migratorius). Behav Ecol Sociobiol 68: 351-362Croston R, Hauber ME. Spectral tuning and perceptual differences do not explain the rejection ...
1. Where do robins live?2. Why does the mother robin sit on the eggs?3. What do robins use to make their nests?4. According to the studies, how many nests do robins build during their lifetimes?5. whatdoesthepassagemainlytalkabout?
The young birds havespots on their chests.Most robins stay at one place through the four seasons. But some of them will fly to southerncountries in winter.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1. Where do robins live?2. Why does the mother robin sit on the eggs?3. What do robins use to make ...
1. Where do robins live?They live in Asia, Europe and Africa2. Why does the mother robin sit on the eggs?To keep their babies warm3. What do robins use to make their nests?They use grass, sticks and mud to make their nests.4. According to the studies, how many nests do robins ...