Though taxes fell under President George W. Bush58 2002 SPOK CNN_LiveFrom #it would because, No. 1, people do n't necessarily blame President Bush and the Republicans for the poor economy. They think a59 2014 SPOK CNN_Newsroom #'s common knowledge that she and her husband do n't ...
The bottom line: Both Democrats and Republicans have proposed addressing the issue of local and state rules around what can be built, which can be broadly referred to as zoning reform. But it’s unclear how far they can go with ...
He has yet to rally majorities around the healthcare or financial-regulation bills. Is he popular at home? Yes, even if voters are unsold on his agenda. Plus, Republicans do not have a likeable leader of their own. Is he good for the nation’s international brand? Yes. Even though he...
[C.Rampell; 12/15/24; Washington Post Weekly]: ‘..[the Republican Party] near unanimous frustration with the pesky laws of arithmetic. That cutting taxes would reduce future tax revenue..perpetually aggrieves them..Republicans’ solution: invent a New Math…The CBO’s budget-scoring met...
35% is the top marginal rate not my personal opinion of what people should pay. If you want equity, I totally agree, why should a hedge fund manager or someone in private equity pay less taxes on $20 million "earned" than a athlete or entertainer. Why does our tax code reward those ...
but will certainly make some others feel worse and/or resentful. Some form of exercise is generally good for most of us on earth. But, like doing the laundry or taxes, we don’t have to pretend to like it. Those who sincerely do like exercising are blessed and therefore have all the ...
Many of the Republicans who have endorsed Kamala Harris have made plain in doing so that they do not agree with her, politically, on much of anything. Nevertheless, their concern for the full picture and their knowledge of this Republican candidate have led them to choose against their party ...
Among Latinos, family came in second behind government; among blacks, churches took second place; Republicans were most likely to put responsibility on the poor themselves.White Americans were less likely to call government responsible than were minorities, but the difference lay almost entirely with ...
“When they go low, we go high!” Fortunately, Judge Jackson had what it took to “go high” as Republicans tried to drag her “low.” She “went high” by making use of her extraordinary intelligence, core values, Job-like patience, unprecedented professional experiences, and profound ...
If anyone who reads this cares about someone who has or used to have a uterus, you have no excuse for continuing to cast your vote for “low taxes” or “small government” for any candidate with an “R” after their name. I do not want to live in a country where a small, ...