Coyotes, bobcats, stray dogs, cats, hawks, snakes, skunks, raccoons, possums, ferrets… there is a long list of potential predators that would happily make a meal of your backyard ducks or chickens — or their eggs. ... They willhappily eat duck eggs. What smell do rats hate? Among t...
Though I am vegetarian, my kid are not, so we do buy meat most weeks. Even when we go along with our containers to the deli, or butcher in the supermarket to allow them to put the meat straight in, I’ve found that the poor staff are confused and often use a plastic bag to pick...
Safety platforms were built so the kids could reach the benchtops, the gas stoves were replaced with induction cooktops, and brightly coloured safety knives were the tools of choice. So it’s good to see that theduty of careis being met. Yes, Monday produced all the ‘experts’ who conde...
Most roosters are grown by commercial farms for their meat, and because of this, most male chickens die between eight weeks and ten weeks of age. What is The Oldest Rooster? The oldest rooster lived to be twenty years old. His name was Bob Ross and he lived in Alabama. How Long Can ...