Interesting facts on plant behavior. They are equipped to adapt to environmental situations and stressors just like humans. They also respond to tactile stimulation, but do plants actually have feelings?
Can plant hormones affect humans? Plants use sunlight to produce sugar molecules in their leaves. Some of this sugar is needed by cells in the roots. Would you expect plants to rely on diffusion to transport the sugar molecules from leaves to roots, and why? A. Yes, because diffusion wil...
uncertainty The Pleasure of Puttering Tidying your desk, watering your plants, or folding laundry ... These household chores are hardly the height of hedonism (享乐主义). Yet I often find myself seeking pleasure and comfort in these small repetitive tasks.I am not alone in this. As we ...
How do plant hormones affect plant growth and development? How do conifers produce seeds? How are seedlings planted for reforestation? Why do some plants grow faster than others? How do bacteria help plants grow? Why do flowering plants have petals?
These findings have many effects, including the way we structure our own societies and ecological practices. Mother trees are key for providing the information, medicinal, and resource capacity to future generations of trees. Also Simard believes that with climate change stressing out plants and threa...
Plant hormones do have a role in controlling growth and development of algae. J. Phycol. 27, 317e321.Bradley P M. Plants hormones do have a role in con-trolling growth and development of algae[J].Journal of Physics 1991,27(02).
So plants have adapted to these changing seasons as well. In the summer and spring, with light being plentiful, most plants focus on growth, blooming of flowers, and bearing of fruit. When the light intensity and duration reduces as winters approach, the plants put more emphasis on conserving...
by the nervous system. The brain directs these systems to release critical compounds at precisely the right time to maintain health and homeostasis. Plants, however, do not have a nervous system,endocrine systemor brain; instead, every single plant cell is able to produce its own hormones!
The key to happiness is having the higher brain functions (Intellect, spirit, intuition) lead the lower brain functions (fear, fear hormones). You must learn to override the lower brain functions (reptilian brain focused solely on survival) with the higher brain functions of thought and spirit....
How does pollination occur in flowering plants? What does Gravity do when it comes to plant growth? Does ocean acidification affect fish growth? How do birds use the Earth's magnetic field to navigate? How do plant hormones damage the environment?