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primers,CAPSmarkers anda_bsolute quantification PCR primers were developed.Bio.info珊ation sciencea11d molecular eVolutionwerestudied on尉上堙gene indi疏rent species.All ofthisworkwaSto provideacertain theoreticaIbasisfor high seedoilcontentaJldexcellent ...
第一作 者 :陈红艳 ,女 ,34 岁 。副教授 .研究方向 :含能化合物 的结构 和性能 。 维普资讯 http:// 第l0 期 陈红艳等 :3 ,5-二 羟基.2 ,4 ,6.三硝基苯酚铷的晶体结构和热行为 · 1853 · has never been reported yet. In this work , mono-ru- ...
Kendra.Withouthersupport,noneofthisworkwould have been possible. Most of all, I thank God for guiding and leading me through this process. v TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION...1 Biomineralization...
tasteofhotpepperisduetothecontentofcapsaici- noids.Thesecompoundshavestrongphysiologicaland pharmacologicalproperties.Foralongtime,their pain-killingpropertieshavebeenknown,andasare- sult,theyareusedfortheproductionofvariousoint- ments.Capsaicinoidsusedatlowlevelsinthediet ...