You peopledonotadmit your fault, on the contrary,you say that youarerightandsay thattheGovernment has not done anything wrong. 你們既不認錯, 反而說自己是正確,還說政府沒有犯錯;又指稱,這些是你們自己弄出來的, 我們只是在維持法治而已。
What does the 9th Amendment protect people from? What did the Second Amendment mean in 1791? What does the 19th Amendment protect? Where did the First Amendment come from? What did the 18th Amendment state? What is included in the 6th and 7th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution?
mandateHe won his mandate to continue his premiership.receive/obtain/get a mandateOn this issue he does seem to have received a clear mandate from the a mandate(=ask for a vote to show agreement with a leader or with ideas)The government was seeking a mandate to continue ...
Question: What did the 3rd Amendment do? Basic Rights: The Founding Fathers gathered during the Constitutional Convention in 1789 and outlined the structure of the government and the rights of its citizens. The Bill of Rights is comprised of ten amendments that showcase the core rights of citize...
Harris has said she would sign a bill from Congress reestablishing abortion rights, but it's unlikely such legislation would reach the Senate's current60-vote threshold. A bill in May 2022 that would effectivelycodify a right to abortionfailed in the Senate, with a 49-51 vote. All Republica...
House Majority Leader Steve Scalise also stood up to support McCarthy during the debate on the motion to vacate, saying now isn't the time to stop the progress House Republicans have made. "When we go back to January, as many people have, we knew...
following question: Do you want to proceed with a vote on adoption of the MRLs for ractopamine [...] 经过进一步辩论,在就是否满足了规则 XII.2 的要求问题上明显缺乏共识的情况下, 主席建议表决下列问题:是否希望 在食 典委本届会议上就通过最高残留限量进行表决? codexalime...
The Senate is set to vote on dozens of plans to overhaul the Postal Service. Again, The Washington Post says the U.S. Postal Service is asking Congress to allow changes to the mail delivery schedule and other reforms to better control costs, but a set of proposals expected to come to a...
If we do not approve, there is no basis for entering into any of the amendments. 如果我們反對的話,政府便沒有理據作出任何修 正。 However, we believe the majority of us do not approve of such a practice as it is hardly open and aboveboard.
On May 27, the Legislative Council of the HKSAR voted overwhelmingly to pass the Improving Electoral System (Consolidated Amendments) Bill 2021. On May 28, Blinken made rash criticism of the bill, calling for the release of all those charged under the national security law in Hong Kong, and...