But, as Corbet mentioned, almost no one -- no one -- pays people to be maintainers. Maintenance is extra work they do on top of their day job. Companies want their programmers to produce new code. They're not interested in paying them to help manage the entire Linux, or any other o...
Is Linux kernel design outdated? May 08, 201711 mins opinion OpenSuse’s great leap backward May 03, 20178 mins opinion Should you dump Chrome for Firefox? May 02, 20176 mins Show me more analysis The quantum computing reality check
My advice for people with a recent AMD GPU who like apt and Debian/Ubuntu would be to use Devuan Excalibur (testing) as in my experience this is the best 'apt operating system' currently available. If you're interested, Calculate Linux and Gentoo appear to use the same Mesa version as ...
WhileLinuxis not Unix, I often find that people wonder what the differences between Linux and Unix are. I'm guilty of that too, as I was unsure of the relationship between the two up until a couple of years ago when I finally sat down and read into it. The short story is that Linu...
I have Linux running on a lot of things at home. It's mostly tinkering, but some of it is home network. I have a little Ubuntu Server box as my Unifi Controller. It's not Linux, but a few other people have mentioned FreeBSD. I use that too, PfSense Firewall. A few R Pis I ...
[ You might also like:25 Interesting GNU/Linux Facts You Probably Didn’t Know] I don’t mean these claims are false, but the constant bragging can be annoying, especially when people know very little about what they’re talking about. ...
After disabling SSH password login, you can still log in to the ECS using the password on the ECS console. Keep your password secure. Procedure Log in to Linux ECS and run the following command to edit the SSH connection: vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config Modify the following item: Change the ...
Also:Why don't more people use desktop Linux? I have a theory you might not like Beyond the cool-looking desktop environments, what are some of the other really cool things that you can do with the Linux desktop that you can't do with other operating systems? I've rounded up ei...
If this is not feasible, use additional check Match of <= 16 bits are not accepted Delay printing string as much as possible, don't print output too early Avoid printf arbitrary byte as string, which can be a source of crash and buffer overflow ...
Maybe these things don't affect you, if so then good for you, but Linux is not a overall better experience for gaming. Many people will come out of the woodwork to say "Linux is great at (insert thing)" and then show no proof of it being true. ...