But the reduction of quota was a double windfall for pensioners. Twin Oaks calculates pension in an unusual way. When you reach age 50 you get one hour of pension, which is reduced from your quota. At 51 you get two hours and so on every year. This elegant system was designed before ...
housing, and college education rising far quicker than inflation, I felt like I needed to generate more passive income. There must be some type of biological trigger that switches on once people have a child.
Our analysis shows it would not. The boost to the retirement incomes of middle-income women would be minuscule. The biggest beneficiaries from the estimated A$250 million per year in extra payments would be wealthier women, and even for them the benefit wouldn’t be b...
What this article and my calculation attempts to do is provide an easy way for all pensioners to assign a real value to their pensions. I also want to give pensioners hope that their financial situation isn't as dire as expected if they are comparing themselves to private sector workers or ...
There are pensioners in USA aged 65 who are still struggling with student debt payments! This ugly facade must be reformed. It cannot go on for generations to come like this because congress and those in power refuse to recognize the truth about money. We must all first HAVE MONEY to ...