These hot spots were characterized by a higher proportion of adult males, a higher proportion of households below the federal poverty level, and a smaller average household size. Sexually oriented massage parlors in Los Angeles and Orange counties cluster in particular neighborhoods. More research is...
Entirely marine snakes face two challenges during underwater social interactions: (1) finding mates when pheromones are diffused by water currents; and, once a mate is located, (2) maintaining contact and co-ordinating mating when tactile cues are diminished by buoyancy force. We explore the ...
A population study of the association between sexual function, sexual satisfaction and depressive symptoms in men Background: Depression and erectile dysfunction (ED) have a complex and bi-directional relationship. We examined the relationships between erectile dysfunc... A Nicolosi,EDM Jr,M Villa,....
According to the Family Planning Association, the oldest person to call their sexual health helpline was an 82-year-old man in a new relationship.New figures suggest people becoming more sexually adventurous in later life could be leading to health problems.Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) ...