Definition of Amounts in Parentheses Parentheses around a number could have a variety of meanings. For example, parentheses could indicate any of the following: A negative amount, such as a negative balance in your check register Acredit balancein anaccountthat normally has a debit balance, or ...
We examine how means-tested childcare subsidies affect parental labor supply. Using the introduction of reduced childcare prices for low-income families in
3.2. Alignment in sociopolitical claims and corporate political activity The studies mentioned above assume that making sociopolitical claims results in little to no negative consequences for firms. Yet, many managers avoid taking stances on sociopolitical matters as doing so could alienate some stakeholder...
(1), (2), (3), (4); bootstrap standard errors are shown in parentheses. In column (1), the coefficient of the fiscal rules index is positive and significant at the 1% level. Multiplying the coefficient estimate with the average score for the fiscal rules index implies that fiscal rules...
to investigate whether FWC has a negative effect on WFHP through the mediating role of WE and SE, as well as whether working hours play a moderating role in the negative association between FWC and WFHP. The research findings will have some theoretical and practical implications in the field....
Values in parentheses show the number of profiles for each of the three data sets. Rootdata was compiled by Schenk and Jackson (2002), which is publicly obtainable from We calculated the depth distribution of root biomass in seven ...
Values in parentheses are standard errors. Downsizing is found to be insignificant in determining labour productivity of SMIs. This means that the firms reduced their workers not to improve labour productivity but rather to adjust to the current demand for their product as discussed in the earlier ...
(-8.9301) 0.0035*** 0.0107*** Fol (2.9794) (3.1278) Industry Yes Yes Year Yes Yes Constant -0.7315*** (-39.2582) 1.2141** (2.3519) -0.8686*** (-8.3449) 0.2419 (0.1747) N 9,760 9,760 2,358 2,358 Adj R2 0.0107 0.1587 0.0061 0.1091 Note: T-values are reported in parentheses. ...
All tradesMale insidersFemale insidersDifference in meansp-value NMeanMedianNMeanMedian Any CEO/CFO 348,571 −0.004 0.014 33,054 −0.015 0.003 0.010*** 0.000 Male CEO and CFO 321,032 −0.003 0.016 26,930 −0.015 −0.002 0.013*** 0.000 Female CEO or CFO 27,539 −0.025 −0.01...
We examine the performance-effects of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) co-opted boards in United Kingdom (UK) property-casualty insurers. We report that board