Owen Hunt is the Head of Trauma and former Chief of Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. He previously served in the Army but was honorably discharged due to the death of his entire platoon. He was first married to Cristina Yang and later to Amelia Shepherd, butboth marriages ended in...
The Palm trees outside where they were supposed to get married at were bending over from the crazy wind and hail coming down. Rain pelted down making it impossible to hold the wedding outdoors. With some quick thinking and great hands on action we were able to move the whole wedding indoor...
Omelia: The Sequel: We’re not sure the former marrieds’ suddenly-full house even needed the monkey wrench of Teddy’s pregnancy thrown into it. We were already happily going along for the bumpy ride as Owen and Amelia worked out the kinks of their new mom-and-pop operation, and Cateri...
He also regarded snobbery and the money-grabbing as the chief vice in the society. He criticized the social moral by speaking in an ironical(讽 刺的), sarcastic(尖刻的) and cynical(愤世嫉俗的) tone of an on-looker. Introduction of Vanity Fair ...