Ocean currents affect the temperature by moving hot or cold water from one location to another. The Gulf Stream, for example, moves warm air from the Gulf of Mexico along the eastern coast of the U.S., and eventually to the British Isles. As the warm water travels North, it warms the...
Ocean currents are one of the main factors that affect climate. Other factors are proximity from the equator, distance from the sea, direction of prevailing winds and relief (mountains). But, for the most part, ocean currents act as one of the most impor
How do ocean currents affect weather?Question:How do ocean currents affect weather?Ocean Currents and WeatherOcean currents are driven by forces such as winds, temperature, water density differences, Earth's rotation, and tides. The control of ocean currents through fluctuations of temperature and wa...
How does temperature affect ocean salinity? How do mangroves benefit coral reefs? How does climate change affect the biodiversity of marine ecosystems? How do algae help coral reefs? How does ocean acidification affect the environment? How does ocean acidification affect the geosphere?
What are the 6 major factors that affect climate? LOWER is an acronym for 6 factors that affect climate. Latitude. It depends on how close or how far it is to the equator. ... Ocean currents. Certain ocean currents have different temperatures. ... ...
Altitude, geographic location, cloud cover and ocean currents also affect temperatures around the world. When the air in one area heats up faster than the air in an adjoining area, the pressure differential generates wind. For a simple example of this, look no farther than a large modern ...
因素洋流气候that因素影响ocean影响气候的洋流因素影响因素的影响 系统标签: currentsoceanclimate洋流affect气候 OtherfactorsthataffectClimate:OceancurrentsOceanCurrents–seawaterflowingfromoneplacetoanother.(depthof100m)Impactonclimate–equatorialheatisredistributedtowardsthepoles.Coldoceancurrentsreducecoastaltemperaturesand...
7.According to paragraph 3, how do seagrasses affect the nutrient supply in the ecosystem? A. Because of their high rate of metabolism, they consume a large percentage of the available nutrients. B. They attract various species of algae and bacteria that produce high nutrient concentrations in...
The global circulation of an atmospheric air current is the result of the Earth's temperature differences that create air pressure changes. The air and wind currents definition is air moving from high to low pressure areas.
Yet the current path of carbon dioxide emissions could increase global temperature by as much as 4.4°C by the end of the century.8. The emissions that cause climate change come from every part of the world and affect everyone, but some countries produce much more than others. The 100 ...