Is the weak nuclear force positively charged? What is nuclear radiation? Does strong nuclear force depend on mass? What is nuclear binding energy? Why is the strong nuclear force short range? Is the weak nuclear force stronger than the electromagnetic force?
Around the nuclear power plant <50micro West / year X ray detection 600 micro West / time Flights to and from New York 200 micro West / time Comparison of radiation It's like, Every coin has two sides. As the one hand : The development and use of nuclear energy will bring great ...
•RadiationExposure •DirtyBombs •AtomicBombs Fivedecadesafterthefirstatomicbomb Terroristatomicbomb •NuclearPowerPlants ThreeMileIslandaccident1978inPA Chernobylaccident,April26,1986,inthe UkrainianSSR •Managementofpregnantwomenand children ExposuretoIonizingRadiation Definitions •Unstableatomsemitenergy...
You may have heard of the Three Mile Island nuclear power station accident, the accident was caused due to human negligence and fault. Because there are several safety barriers in the reactor, no one died in the accident, and the average radiation dose of 2 million people within 80 kilo...