A Copy of FreeFileSync Source Code. This repository is just a mirror of the FreeFileSync source code. Please do not send pull requests. Submit issues to the official forum (https://freefilesync.org/forum/). Last free version for commercial use: https://g
The server is configured to host the static files required for theweb clientin addition to serving the backend by default. Before you can run the server, you will need to get a copy of the web client since they are not included in this repository directly. ...
minimal - strip away everything that is not directly related to your problem. This usually involves creating a much smaller and simpler set of code and data compared to that which created your issue. Use the reprex-package to Build Your Reproducible Example When creating a reprex by hand...
I have hit this page frequently when looking for a way to export a git repository. My answer to this question considers three properties that svn export has by design compared to git, since svn follows a centralized repository approach: It minimizes the traffic to a remote repository location ...
You may see this error when dependency graph data is stale, or when the dependency graph and Dependabot do not agree if a particular version of a dependency is vulnerable. To debug the problem, we recommend you first examine the dependency graph for your repository, ...
If I do not use inline the user is not enable to change/add/delete Action and is what I expect. If I try to edit other fields in the admin form Ticket defined ForeignKey I get the expected "Permission denied" I think that the possibility of change/add/delete a inline model ...
If one doesn't have any type of maven repository manager they can directly use the public groups url "http://repo.hortonworks.com/content/groups/public/" in there maven settings.xml as a mirror Reply 10,075 Views 2 Kudos 0 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION dstreev Guru Created ...
var userDetails = userRepository.GetUserByName(user.Name); public User GetUserByEmail(string Name) { return _dbContext.User.Find(Name); } whole point of using repository is to keep the code loosely couple but what if code is not very big? should i go to the headache of adding repository...
For more details on how NuGet performs this service, seeDependency resolution. Because projects can easily move between developer computers, source control repositories, build servers, and so forth, it's highly impractical to keep the binary assemblies of NuGet packages directly bound to a project...
(not counting versions), I have found various ways of 'getting by'. I forked the g-b-s a while back, and created a few templates for various purposes. This solution, however, is still severely limiting, as mentioned above. In the meantime, I also had exposure to a Linux distribution ...