I had to change the title. It used to be "Stupid Wannabe Tricks," but people kept saying I was calling all wannabes stupid. I'm not. I'm saying that there are a number of stupid things that game industry aspirants frequently do.If I directed you here because of something you did,...
in one pati ent ,th e sy mptom s did not chan g e postope rati v e— ly .C onclusion C 2 pedical—C l lateral mass/oc cipital screws can be used for posteri or craniovertebral juncti on in tern al fi x ati on safely an d e f ecti ve ly .12 re fs ,2 fi g s....
Childhood,Ralph’sparentsinformedhim, wasallaboutlearningyourlimits,notlearningyourlimitsonlytobreaktheminone spectacularmomentforallthewrongreasons. Ralphbelievedhisparents.Butheremainedcurious. Hisparentskeptthefamilytreehiddenundertheirbed,wedgedsofarbehindthe dustyholidaydecorationsthatRalphhadtobecarefulnottoset...