DNR _ 您不知道的 DNR _ 不施行心肺复苏术 _ Do Not Resuscitate _ 生命中最后的礼物DING_LEMON 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多454 -- 0:34 App 如何知道自己晚年是否幸福? 499 -- 10:46 App 携50万到女婿家养老,被亲家母瞧不起,我连着三天只吃白饭,全家慌了 2.2万 2 0:31 App...
拒絕心肺复苏术(英语:Do not resuscitate,缩写为DNR),又译为不施行心肺复苏术、放弃心肺复苏术、放弃急救同意书,也称为拒绝紧急救治(No Code)或No CPR,是一种法律文书,病患在平時或在医院時预先签署,表明当他们面临心跳停止或呼吸停止(英语:Apnea)的状况时,不愿意接受心肺复苏术Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR...
作者: DNR 是 Do not resuscitate 的缩写,中文一般翻译为拒绝心肺复苏术,某些时候也称为 No Code 。Code 一词在美国医院里有特殊含义,是“Calling in a Code Blue”的俚语形式,意思是将急诊队伍召唤过来;与之对应的“No Code”的意思就是发生心脏呼吸骤停时,不再召唤急救团队前来复苏。 DNR 是基于患者及亲属...
不施行心肺復甦術」( Do Not Resuscitate, DNR) 父親的老、 病、 死 抵達布拉格參加歐洲醫學教育年會的第一天晚上, 接到家人急電, 告知父親在睡覺中過世。 他老人家在我六十幾年的生命裡, 給我的身教、 言教, 使我終生受用不盡, 而在他人生最後這幾年的老、 病、 死, 也帶給我深遠的啟示。 驚聞噩耗...
1. Rabkin MT, Gillerman G, Rice NR. Orders not to resuscitate. N Engl J Med 1976; 295: 364-6. 2. Kouwenhoven WB, Jude JR, Knickerbocker GG. Closed-chest cardiac massage.JAMA 1960; 173: 1064-7. 3. Burns JP, Edwards J, Johnson J, Cassem NH, Truog RD. Do-not-resuscitate order...
这种明显医生想救 家属签DNR 换豪斯的暴脾气 直接一针唤醒 让老头自己选择继续治疗与否 划重点:医疗监护...
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR): How to Decide, Who Should Decide, and Why?The fate of Socrates, ordered to drink the fatal cup of hemlock, had been decided. His future was in the hands of God, but the fate and future of so-called do not resuscitate (DNR) and no-code patients is an ...
1) do not resuscitate(DNR) 未复苏 2) non-reduction 未复位 1. Evaluation and comparison in the results of surgical treatment of lumbar spondylolisthesis with reduction ornon-reductionof spinal sliding; 腰椎滑脱症手术复位与未复位的对比 3) noninvolution ...
A do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order is a legally recognized order signed by a physician at a patient’s request. A DNR means the patient not want to be resuscitated if they suddenly go into cardiac arrest or stop breathing. People who are terminally ill often regard a DNR as a graceful way...