外部播放此歌曲> Bliss - Do Not Call List 专辑:The Ghost of Edgar Cayce 歌手:Bliss 还没有歌词哦
相關縮寫 DNCL - Do Not Call List (FCC) 禁止呼叫清單(FCC) 政府 / 美國政府 DNCL - Dia Nacional do Campo Limpo 坎波林波國家飯店 各種各樣 / 未分類 DNCL - Downtown Norfolk Civic League 諾福克市中心市民聯盟 政府 / 市政和市政
List array 禁止外呼号码列表。 BlockedNumber object 禁止外呼号码信息。 Number string 电话号码。 1900000*** Scope string 应用范围。 枚举值: SYSTEM:系统级禁止外呼配置。 INSTANCE:实例级禁止外呼配置。 INSTANCE Remark string 备注。 测试 CreateTime long 禁止外呼号码配置的创建时间,格式为 Unix 时间戳,单位...
We respect the wishes of our customers who choose not to receive telemarketing calls. This page explains how to add your name to our do-not-call list.
Canada Do Not Call List, Lead Cultivation, and Lead Generation Tools Canada Phone Directory Canada phone number directory with millions of records, searchable by map and criteria. Canada Address Directory Canada address directory which can be exported and printed up to account limits. Do Not Call ...
NumberList string 是 禁止外呼号码列表,格式为 JSON 数组的字符串,数组元素是禁呼号码。 ["1900000***","1312121***"] Remark string 否 禁呼号码的备注信息。 测试 FilePath string 否 OSS 文件的 Key,可从 GetDoNotCallFileUploadParameters 接口返回值中获取,仅在文件上传方式导入时需要填写此参数。 temp...
Do-Not-Call List Accepts Numbers Again; Ruling Allows Enforcement as FTC Appeals Earlier Court Decision
Discusses the controversy surrounding the constitutional challenge to the federal telemarketing "Do-Not-Call List" in the U.S. Protection of the privacy of consumers against telemarketers through a list maintained by two federal agencies, the Federal Trade Commission and Federal Communications Commissio...
Number of phone numbers that are registered on the "Do Not Call" list since the list's debut on June 28, 2003, indicating the popularity of the program among the citizens of the U.S.; Comments from Tim Searcy of the American Teleservices Association, an industry trade group, regarding ...
*/SYSCALL_DEFINE1(exit_group,int,error_code){do_group_exit((error_code&0xff)<<8);/* NOTREACHED */return0;} do_exit_group流程 do_group_exit()函数杀死属于current线程组的所有进程。它接受进程终止代码作为参数,进程终止代号可能是系统调用exit_group()指定的一个值,也可能是内核提供的一个错误代号...