- 点击右上角菜单栏的控制中心图标(四个圆点或三个竖线)。- 点击“不打扰”按钮,即可开启免打扰模式。- 若要进行更多设置,请点击“控制中心选项”或打开“系统偏好设置”中的“通知”选项,在此处可以设置免打扰的时间和规则。4. Windows 10:- 点击右下角系统托盘中的通知图标(气泡图标)。- 在弹出的通知...
Close the Action Center and continue using your Windows 10 undisturbed How to use "Do Not Disturb" using Parallels Toolbox With Parallels Toolbox, you have an all-in-one solution with over 30 tools to use on both Mac and Windows 10. The Do Not Disturb feature in Parallels Toolbox works...
To manually turn ondo not disturb, open the notification center and select the bell icon withzZon it. This will silence all notifications until you manually turn it off. When you are ready to receive notifications again, return to the notification center and select the same button to disable ...
We understand that your iPhone is on Do Not Disturb, but you can hear sound when using WhatsApp. We’re happy to help. In order to not hear sounds when using the device, please go to Settings > Do Not Disturb > Silence > Always. Here’s additional information on Do Not Disturb: Use...
Do Not Disturb mode expands on Focus Assist (which replaced Quiet Hours). Short answer is no, NTLite can't do anything. Switching DND changes the user's reg key $$windows.data.notifications.quiethourssettings The problem is this key is part of CloudStore, which doesn't get provisioned ...
Windows.Phone.Notification.Management AccessoryManager AccessoryManager 屬性 BatterySaverState DoNotDisturbEnabled DrivingModeEnabled IsPhonePinLocked MediaPlaybackCapabilities MediaPlaybackStatus PhoneCallAudioEndpoint PhoneLineDetails PhoneMute SpeedDialList ...
Among them, Microsoft has added the Do not disturb and Focus features, taking your quiet hours experience to the next level. Microsoft has re-imagined the capabilities of Focus Assist. Do Not Disturb mode makes it easy to turn off notifications in the operating system, while Focus minimizes ...
OS X 10.13; all of a sudden, I am finding that Do not Disturb mode comes on by itself. I stop seeing notifications and then I check and the mode is on. I set it to off, but it eventually gets set again (not sure what triggers it). I have it off in Preferences. What can I...
As long as the Game Mode or Do Not Disturb mode is enabled, you will also not see notifications from Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection and Kaspersky Password Manager applications installed on the same device. You can find out more about displaying notifications in theHow to configure application not...