6.6. Without limitation on the foregoing, Subscriber acknowledges that the Mercer Products may be incomplete or condensed, for information purposes only and not intended as, and shall not be construed to be, an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any security. All ...
These Terms (including any terms incorporated by reference in these Terms), constitute the entire agreement between you and us with respect to your access to and use of any Site or receipt of any Service and supersede all prior agreements, negotiations and discussions between you and us relating...
Access. Controlling access can be an effective way to manage an ecosystem because it establishes not only who can participate in the ecosystem, and under what conditions, but also the level of commitment required in the form of exclusivity agreements and ecosystem-specific co-investments. Such acce...
2. NO BID: Bidders not interested in submitting a bid should return a "no bid," with an indication of the reason for no bid and the interest in future bid solicitations. 3. BID OPENING: It is the responsibility of the bidder to assure that their bid is delivered at the proper time ...
Jones alleges in his complaint that he has “irrefutable evidence of: (a) the acquisition, use, and distribution of ecstasy, cocaine, GHB, ketamine, marijuana, and mushrooms; (b) the displaying and distribution of unregistered illegal firearms; and (c) the solicitation of minors and sex ...
Solicitation (IFB, RFP, RFQ) No. ___ Bidder/Offeror: ___ THIS PAGE IS TO BE FILLED OUT AND RETURNED WITH YOUR BID. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY SUBJECT YOUR BID TO REJECTION. ATTENTION Federal Employer Identification Number or alternate identification number (e.g., Social Security Number) is...
MemberofCongressonhisorherbehalfinconnectionwiththissolicitation,the offerorshallcompleteandsubmit,withitsoffer,OMBstandardformLLL,Disclosure ofLobbyingActivities,totheContractingOfficer;and (3)Thelanguageofthiscertificationshallbeincludedinallsubcontractawardsatany ...
Not an offer, solicitation of an offer, or advice to buy or sell securities in jurisdictions where Betterment LLC is not registered. Who Provides the Market Data? Market Databy Xignite. Fund data © 2022 Morningstar. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary ...
Access. Controlling access can be an effective way to manage an ecosystem because it establishes not only who can participate in the ecosystem, and under what conditions, but also the level of commitment required in the form of exclusivity agreements and ecosystem-specific co-investments. Such acce...