How can you predict if an element will form a cation or an anion? Complete the table below by writing the symbols for the cation and anion that make up each ionic compound. Are cations smaller than anions? Is nitrogen a cation or anion? How many cations and anions are there per unit ...
Will all combinations of metals and nonmetals form an ionic bond? Why are the halogens among the most active nonmetals ? What is the electronegativity of nitrogen? Is bromine a metal, nonmetal or metalloid? Which of the alkaline earth metals has the smallest electronegativity?
three types of molecules. A nitrogen base, a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and a phosphate group. Nitrogen bases form bonds to the sugars through the H atom on the N atom in the ring. Adenine has that hydrogen atom (on the 5-membered ring). ...
Chapter3ChemicalbondingandChapter3Chemicalbondingand CompoundsCompounds 3.2IntroductiontoBonding ChemicalBonds-Theelectrostatic forcesthatholdtheatomsofelements togetherinthecompound(thinkofitas glue IonicBonds-Theattractionbetweena positiveionandanegativeionisanionic ...
Hydrogen bonding is a type intermolecular attractive force and is a special class of dipole-dipole interaction. Its dipoles form between hydrogen and either nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine (these are the nonmetals with the strongest electronegativities). The strong electronegativities of these three ...
Why? a) nitrogen and oxygen. b) titanium and gallium. c) lithium and sodium. d) germanium and arsenic. e) argon and bromine. Distinguish between an atom and an element. How does one isotope differ from the another? How do you know what element is chemically active on the periodic ...
Hydrogen bond are usually represented by three dashes: fluorine, oxygen, nitrogen and it is a very strong dipole-dipole attraction. Such as in water:the oxygen atoms have lone pairs of electrons,the hydrogen atom has almost lost both the shared electrons to the oxygen to which it is covalentl...
CHEMICALmostreactivehalogen/veryreactive/formsionicfluorides/bondswithmetals/ formcovalentfluorides/bondswithnon-metals/powerfuloxidant/gainsoneelectron(tobe stable)/fixedoxidation state or valency of –1 allow decolourised when reacts with alkene) / forms F ...
Based on electron configurations, predict the formula of the simple binary ionic compound likely to form when Rubidium(Rb) reacts with Fluorine(F). An atom of which of the following elements has the greatest ability to attract electrons? a. silicon b. sulfu...
Which pair of elements do you expect to be most similar? Why? a) nitrogen and oxygen. b) titanium and gallium. c) lithium and sodium. d) germanium and arsenic. e) argon and bromine.Name the four common halogens and tell the normal pha...