The Athletic Insight Research team consists of a dedicated team of researchers, Doctors, Registered Dieticians, nationally certified nutritionists and personal trainers. Our team members hold prestigious accolades within their discipline(s) of expertise, as well as nationally recognized certifications. These...
You cantrain your legsin a variety of ways. Squat, pull, lunge, thrust, work on two legs;balance on one. When you lace up your cross-trainers to hit the gym and build your wheels, the movements that go into your routine strongly determine the results you’ll get. If you’re looking...
Best Shoe Type:ProbablyNeutral Running Shoes. You'll do well withLow Drop / Minimal Shoes(up to 6mm difference between the thickness of the heel and forefoot). But you don't necessarily need to choose Minimal orLightweight Running Shoeswith less cushioning.Hokaare still low-drop, while they...
Regardless of which one you choose, make sure that safety is your priority. Even one more bench press-related accident or death is too many. Use a power rack or a spotter, and never barbell bench press alone; solo trainers should stick to dumbbells. ...
balance. Where it all started – with funky trainers I know what you’re thinking…not another blog post bleating on about making the right decisions, eating healthy and making good choices. Well, in a way it is, but with a difference. I don’t preach and I don’t expect anyone to...
No gyms, gimmicks, trainers, PT, or devices needed. Paying to go to physical therapy to fix pain, and going back to the injurious body mechanics and movement habits that caused the injury, or using habitual poor mechanics to do your PT (because it's what you know) is counter-...
Scroll through YouTube where you’ll find a never-ending stream of brilliant at-home exercise sessions to try instead, or reach out to your local gym and ask if any of their trainers are doing online or video sessions – they’ll appreciate the support. ...
Starting small can help make this habit stick. At first, stand every hour on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Then, month by month (or week by week if you're up for the challenge), add an extra day to your standing schedule.
the market that don’t live up to expectations. This article will hopefully settle the matter once and for all and put the minds of skeptical slouchers at ease. We’ll weigh the pros and cons of traditional back braces and see how they stack up against today’s smart posture trainers. ...
When I heard that collectible sneakers or trainers, as we like to call them in the UK, had become not just something you walk or run around in, but an actual repository of wealth, an alternative, alternative investment, well, I just had to find out more. Welcome toMoney Clinic, the we...