Belief in the Day of Judgment is to believe that the Day of Resurrection, when all people will be resurrected for Allah's judgment according to their beliefs and deeds. Belief in Al-Qadr is believing in divine predestination. So everything good or bad that happens or takes place according ...
for 1013, the actors and the fans. This could have been so much more and it should have been. This was a golden opportunity to complete the series in a way that those of us who campaigned for X-Files 3 back in the day didn’t dare to hope for. That opportunity has been squandered...
Well, Muslims tell the same thing about the Quran. And some Muslims take these texts literally and it is damaging. Again, I've mainly known pleasant and respectful Muslims, but any type of fanatics are to be resisted, in my opinion. ...
“And dispute ye not with the people of the Book (the Jews and theChristians) Except with means better (Than mere disputation) unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury) But say, we believe in the Revelation which has come down to us and in that Which...
In North America an order of Hopi Indians engaged in flagellation until the late 19th century. Flagellation is currently practiced bysome Shīʿite Muslims, who whip themselves on the holiday of ʿĀshūrāʾ to commemorate the martyrdom of Ḥusayn at the Battle of Karbalāʾ (680 ce...
The Most Noble Messenger (Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÂáå) appointed 'Ali (Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã) to guard the city on his behalf, and he ordered that he should remain in Madinah until he returned, administering the affairs of the Muslims. When the Hypocrites realized...
All of that will be caused under the leadership of Sufyan (the Muslims Antichrist (Dajjal)). As for Mahdi, he will cure the spiritual illnesses caused by that devastating destruction with the medicines of the Quran. He will strive to establish the principles of the Glorious Sunnah that the ...
We respect members who are Judaists, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindu, Baha’i, Shinto, and from other religions or traditions. We respect their freedom to choose and to follow their beliefs. We won’t impose on them in any way our Christian faith, manifest the feelings of superiority and rejectio...
Tip 5. Making life changes: We should make the necessary changes to improve ourselves as Muslims and what better time to make such changes than during these blessed 10 days where we can change our lives forever. We must internalise these changes and make a firm commitment to Allah ...
This day, Muslims must bathing costumes, to the mosque, visit each other, slaughtered cattle and sheep. In addition to the ten Gregorian calendar, between 5 and June, it is a Hindu festival. The festival originated from ancient sacrifices to the goddess of the river. India believers believe ...