Where do the coronary arteries supply blood to?Heart AttackDuring a heart attack, blood flow to the heart is blocked off, meaning the heart tissue starts to die from lack of oxygen. Heart attacks are relatively common, can be deadly, and often occur when plaque, which is made up of fat...
Fat can build up in the arteries(动脉) blocktheflowof blood and cause a heart attack orstroke(中风). Gettingridofbadhabitslikesmokinganddrinkingalcoholisalsoanimportantwaytokeep healthy.Smokinganddrinkingalcoholinjureone’shealthagreatdeal andthereforeshouldbegiven up. Unfortunately few people follow ...
Do Nuss bars compromise the blood flow of the internal mammary arteries? Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2013;17:571-5.Yuksel M, Ozalper MH, Bostanci K, Ermerak NO, Cimşit C, Tasali N, et al. Do Nuss bars compromise the blood flow of the internal mammary arteries? Interact Cardiovasc...
Compare and contrast the structure and function of the 3 types of blood vessels. (a) arteries (b) capillaries (c) veins (3 function adaptations) Most arteries of the adult body carry oxygen-rich blood while the veins carry oxygen-poor blood. How does this differ in the pulmonary arteri...
In anaortic dissection, blood leaks in between the weakened layers of the artery wall. In a rupture, the aneurysm bursts, leaking blood into the body. There are two types of aortic aneurysms. Anabdominal aortic aneurysmoccurs below the chest. It is usually caused by hardened arteries. A thor...
Vasospastic Angina: Amlodipine has been demonstrated to block constriction and restore blood flow in coronary arteries and arterioles in response to calcium, potassium epinephrine, serotonin, and thromboxane A2 analog in experimental animal models and in human coronary vessels in vitro. This inhibition ...
Controlling your blood sugar is important for more than keeping type 2 diabetes at bay. Emerging science is pointing to chronically elevated blood sugar as amajor cause of ongoing inflammationthat can lead to a host of other issues, including heart disease and cancer. And at first glance, addin...
Western perception has to do with the quality of life and the underlining health issue that being overweight brings, some of which are coronary heart disease because of increased body mass. Others like plaque clogging, blocking and narrowing the arteries, high blood p...
What chamber of the heart pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs? What is the approximate blood volume in human adults? Which one is greater the oxygen concentration in pulmonary arteries or the oxygen concentration in pulmonary veins? The amount of air moved in and out of the lungs with e...
It measures the active pump function of your heart when it contracts and pumps blood out of your heart and into your arteries. Technically, EF is the percentage (fraction) of blood that is ejected from your heart as it contracts. (This is also known as the stroke volume). Mathematically,...