precisely conservatives such as the Mormons who hadblazedpathsto thevotingboothsfifty years before.•Now it wasblazingsteadily,promisingan out-of-controlinferno, unless she came to hersensesand stopped it.•Itrainedon days when they needed sun and itblazedwhen Nichols wanted a rainsequence.•...
Mormons need to be asked a blunt question: "Who is to say that Satan will not try to defeat Jesus again and win? If he does, he will then massacre all those who follow Jesus." The ONLY way to get a Mormon saved is to make him mad by driving his stupid teachings to their logical...
Mormons,Jehovah’s witnesses,Freemasons,ultraconservatives fromtheJohnBirchSocietyandallkindsof conspirators,encyclopaediasforchildren andevenDr.Netter’sfamousmedical illustrations–allthesymbolicimageryand unclassifiabledesignsbyoftenanonymous artistsforspecificcommissionsareonshow. “TheChaletSocietyispursuingthepremise...