Unlike Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D prescription drug plans, which require annual renewal during the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), Medigap plans do not have an annual renewal process. Once you’re enrolled in a Medigap plan, your coverage will automatically renew each year ...
If you only have Medicare Parts A and B, you might consider supplementary private insurance to help cover yourout-of-pocket costssuch as copays, coinsurance, and deductibles. This is whereMedigap supplementary insurancecomes in. While Medicare Part C works as an alternative to your original Medi...
If you have medical needs, this can get pricey, and there’s no out-of-pocket cap on Original Medicare spending. “Many people on traditional Medicare get a Medigap plan to help cover those costs and make their out-of-pocket costs more predictable,” says Gretchen...
.Deductiblesandco-paymentsapply.Informationandhelpin choosingaPartDplanisavailableattheDeptofSeniorServices586-469- 6313ortheAreaAgencyonAging’sMedicare/MedicaidAssistance Program800-852-7795or800-803-7174,orseehttp://.medicare.gov Seeinformation(below--nextpage)aboutMedicareAdvantagePlans availableinMacomb...