Physicists have some understanding of how magnets function. However, some phenomena that underlie magnetism continue to elude scientific explanation. Exactly how do magnets work? Large-scale magnetism, like the kind observed in bar magnets, results from magnetic fields that naturally radiate from the ...
What makes Magnets Magnetic? All matter is made up of atoms. Atoms in turn, are made up of protons, electrons and neutrons. In most materials almost all the electrons form pairs, with the magnetism from the two paired electrons exactly cancelling. This makes such materials non-magnetic. What...
All ferromagnetic materials lose their magnetism with heating; the temperature where they lose their magnetism is called the Curie Point. Neodymium magnets lose their strength between 80 degrees C and 230 degrees C, depending on the grade. While this is higher than room temperature (25 degrees C)...
When the switch on the free-fall apparatus is opened, the electromagnet does not instantly lose quite all of its magnetism. What effect does this have on the results? When the switch on free fall apparatus is opened, the electromagnet does not instantly lose quite all of its magnetism. What...
One end has a slight positive charge, the other end has a slight negative charge, and the positive and negative ends of different molecules snap together like the opposite ends of magnets. That's a kind of electrical or electrostatic bonding. In metals, the atoms are strongly held together ...
a friend and I tried to work with some magnets and flux there about 20 years ago, but have yo checked these new devices out on Youtube?? They show you how to make your own. They do not work by utilizing “force” as most of us may have been tempted to think [or try, in our ...
2. Accomodating magnetism and the resonance peak. Low energy structure of the dRVB algebraic spin liquid SU(2) spin rotation + rotation between 2 spinon nodes SU(4) enlarge* *evidence from large-N Hermele, TS, Fisher ’05 See also Herbut ’02 ...
Old quantum magnetism folklore Collinear Neel not connected to spin liquid thru 2nd order transition in 2d Noncollinear Neel – spin liquid can result. Theoretical basis: Large-N calculations, quantum dimer models, etc. Apparent difficulty for spin liquid based approach in cuprates……. ...