for your hair to fully loc. And if you don’t have the time or patience for that, we’ve got the next best thing: faux locs. Faux locs are basically a super-easy (and significantly faster) way of getting the look of locs without the commitment. But like all good things in life, ...
When you leave your hair alone, yourlocs are able to flourish and thicken upbecause they're not constantly “made” into condensed retwisted or interlocked bundles. The ideal timeframe for a retwist is between 4-6 weeks— no earlier!
1. Begin each day with gratitude.No matter what your situation, begin each day with a few moments to think about all that is good in your life. You will experience hard times but you still have goodness in your life. Everything is not bad. If you are reading this, your heart is bea...