In Central FL approximately 1 in 3 people do not have affordable housing. About 1 million people here alone! GOD/ELOHIM knows the numbers in all of Florida, the whole USA, and the World! Continue reading → Posted in Uncategorized
Pears also grow on trees. Lemons grow on trees. They are very sour. Have you ever picked strawberries? Strawberries do not grow on trees. You have to bend down to pick strawberries. Have you ever tried strawberry shortcake? It is very good. Grapes grow on vines. People use grapes to ma...
Mangos grow in naturally warm climates, and as such, they are averse to cold. In harsh environments, the quality of the skin and the sweetness inside the flesh begins to decline once it gets cold. Manogs also ripen best when stored at room temperature. East/Shutterstock Let this sweet and...
Preserved foods like jellies and jams are made to last, so they're just as safe on the shelf as they are in the fridge. Jams also have a low pH level, which means it has a high-acid solution that also prevents spoilage. Storing them in the fridge won't ruin them; there really is...
In the produce section in the Trader Joe’s on College Avenue in Oakland, CA, I found many examples of loose produce being sold right next to its plastic-packaged counterpart. Here are a few examples: Bell peppers… Apples… Lemons and limes… ...
For whatever reason, “American kids are tested too much” is a common criticism levied against standardized testing. But honestly, regardless of where you’re from in the world, you probably grew up with standardized tests. Chinese kids, for example, grow up with their lives basically centered...
Auckland–based Molly Kelsey was first diagnosed with epilepsy when she was 19. She was in the USA at the time, sitting outside the Harry Potter theme park in Florida, when she had her first seizure. She blacked out and woke up in a hospital. She’s now 24 and has been seizure...