Do Indoor LED Grow Lights Emit Sufficient UV Irradiation to Pose an Increased Skin Cancer Risk?doi:10.1097/DSS.0000000000003911Supplemental Digital Content is Available in the Text.Lorvens DecosmaSchool of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OhioYash Kumar...
The short answer is yes,LED lightsattract bugs. However, the cause of this is not the light itself, but the color temperature of the light. The ultraviolet light emitted by traditional incandescent light bulbs attracts insects. LED lights, on the other hand, emit very little UV light, but ...
Do LED lights keep bugs away? No bug light actually repels bugs. ... LED lights, specifically the bulbs typically used in residential lighting, emit very little light in the UV spectrum. LEDs also emit little heat from their light source, further reducing their attractiveness to bugs. Are LE...
Also, UV irradiation is a form of electromagnetic energy, having a wavelength shorter than visible light but longer than x-rays (Lu et al., 2019; Milov et al., 2020). Commonly, black lights and mercury lamps are specific lights in UV (Hinds et al., 2019). Frequently, this system is...
Do Indoor LED Grow Lights Emit Sufficient UV Irradiation to Pose an Increased Skin Cancer Risk? Supplemental Digital Content is Available in the Text. L Decosma,Y Kumar,TS Mccormick,... - 《Dermatologic Surgery》 被引量: 0发表: 2023年 Study: New-car smell could be a cancer risk New-car...
green, and blue (RGB LED). The cheaper alternative is the so-called “white” diode – White LED (WLED). We put the word “white” in quotation marks because they actually emit blue instead of white light. We can’t help but remember the anecdote about the kid who asks its mother: ...
ItiseasytofabricateaprimitivewhiteLEDlamp,which consistsofthreechipsemittingred,greenandbluelights. However,differentchipsneeddifferentdrivevoltages,and theyhavedifferentthermalanddegradationproperties, whichmakesthelampexpensiveanditschromaticityvary withtemperatureandtime,thus,itsapplicationisrestricted. ...
Furthermore,thedevelopedphosphorsCallgeneratelights fromcoldwhitetowaYnlwhiteregionundertheUVradiationbyappropriatelytuningtheEu content,indicatingthat thevhavepotentialapplicationsasaUV—convertiblephosphorforwhitelightemittingdiodes. Keywords:luminescence;silicate;rareearth;europium ...
doi:10.1016/S0022-5193(86)80188-6C LidénV BergquistG WennerstenElsevier LtdJournal of Theoretical BiologyLiden C, Bergqvist V, Wennersten G. 1986. Visual display terminals do not emit UV-A radiation of clinical relevance. J Theor Biol 122:491- 492....