December 6, 2019Atul MittalGST India, Informative GST Articles 4 Minutes Read There are two ways to cancel a GST registration – voluntary and by authorities. If in case, you have applied for (voluntary) cancellation of your GST registration, you must about your liability to file GSTR or ...
As a new business owner, getting a business credit card helps youbuild credit—which you’ll need for future funding or financing large purchase orders. If you run a corporation or LLC, you must use a separate credit card to keep personal and business finances separate. Choose a busi...
the extant literature on ESCA has used various theories while the theoretical perspectives of this domain are still emerging. Hence, there is a need to synthesize the theories and models used in this domain. Due to the sharp hike in online shopping during recent years coupled with...
the sheet. Whatever the degree of natural food that you consume, you’ll be unable to to step up fully into the requirements under this sheet. You need that service that is going to allow one to find a good erection which is likely to create your wife shout your name between the ...
SincetheannouncementofGSTtobe implementedwitheffectfrom1April2015and announcingitsregistrationcommencingfrom June2014,GSTseemstobeanightmare hauntingeveryoneespeciallyonbusinessentrepreneur,corporate directorsandalsothoseinvolveinadministrativematters,notforgettingtheaccountantswith ...