The average person needs several treatments to achieve desired results. On the other hand, you can get your own device, for example, the Silk'n Lipo Fat Reduction Device for less than RM3,000 which comes along with the ease of use, the convenience in carrying out the treatment while getti...
Lipomas.These fatty lumps grow slowly beneath the surface of the skin. Intraductal papillomas. These are wart-like growths that develop in the milk ducts. They usually form near the nipple and can cause the nipple to leak clear or bloody fluid. They’re more common in women and people as...
amazonensis most likely occurs by electrostatic attraction between the cationic bilayer fragments and anionic components (e.g., lipophosphoglycan and proteophosphoglycan) responsible for the negative surface charge of the parasite [32,34] As amastigotes recovered from lesions present a surface charge ...