You will be instructed to show them straightaway. Take off your shoes and belt before arriving at the security checkpoint. Items such as these are not permitted in the body scanner. All laptops need to be removed from their protective cases and placed in a tray before X-raying. Face ...
If you spot somebody not being excellent to someone else, remind them to be excellent and ask them to apologi(s|z)e to the insulted part(y|ies), but only if the insulted wish to receive an apology. Sometimes the insulted party will just want to move on and not have any further conta...
It shows that the iPad is every bit as capable while allowing users freedom and a plethora of tools a standard computer user wouldn't have access to. The song featured in the ad is "Jam for Bwengo (Senbe Remix)" by Naran Ratan. The second, titled "iPad Pro — Your next computer i...
One of the biggest design challenges was figuring out how to keep the loose layers from billowing in an environment without gravity forcing it down, Parrish said. An engineer on the team invented a system of magnets and straps to keep the folds together until the booms unfold them. ...
SBC is the most basic common and basic Bluetooth algorithm, and the one everything under the sun supports. Sadly, for most laptops and PCs, this is the only option, and currently it is clearly the number one codec in the entire world. The name SBC is a Low Complexi...
so you have 2 troublemakers pretending to be sheep in the one thread. @jerv –I’ll leave you with them. As for your claim of “where it belongs”: By whose definition, Jerv?? Yours?? You’re merely a ‘new-comer’ here… and you did not place the Q… and as you are ...
“I think in general, internal space is not as precious inside laptops, which usually means manufacturers are more open putting liners or shells on the batteries inside of them, which in turn means they can screw or clip them into place rather than use gobs of adhesive,” Dixon said. “...
the generator increases the power, but it also increases the weight of the machine. Heavier coils require a larger gas motor to turn them. Because there are more electrons to move (in more coils), you also need larger magnets, too. Large generators have huge coils and huge magnets to ...
I then found spoke to a customer representative. They assured me that their magnets described as ‘diametrically magnetised’ were exactly that, so I ordered a small pack of 10 x 6mm disc magnets. When they arrived, I again tested them with the magnetic fie...
Solid state drives are most often represented as USB thumb drives, but this isn’t always the case: many netbooks, high end laptops, Apple computers, mobile phones and tablets use 2 GB or more of solid state storage. Only the earliest iPods had traditional hard drives squeezed into them; ...