While the coat of a labradoodle is quite predictable because the wire hair of the poodle is a dominant gene, where the dog will fall on the personality scale is less predictable. Luckily both labrador retrievers and poodles have lover personalities and make great family pets, though in quite d...
Pups with these coats only tend to result from first-generation mixes of Labradors and poodles. Since they aren’t as desirable as low-shedding Labradoodles, you might be able to get one a bit cheaper than another pup, and they make excellent family pets as long as no one in the house...
If you noticed that your dog has sunken eyes, you're right to be concerned; sunken eyes can be a symptom of something serious. Consult your vet as soon as possible.
Dogs, such as the Jack Russells, are wonderful additions to any family. JRTs are the best companions for active owners and families. But before you bring one home, shedding can be a concern for those that are sensitive or allergic to dogs. Due to their double coats, the Jack Russell Te...
“I am a pet parent of a chocolate Labrador and three cats, two of them also flew all the way from Shanghai to London a few years ago." "While I am always keen to stay on top of my pet’s health at all times, I have been struggling with the fact that paperwork and information...
PETS AND THEIR PEOPLE: WOOF AND WEDDY!; Labrador Is Star Guest as Our Contest Winners Say I Do
Known to be independent thinkers, bullmastiffs make good family pets if trained consistently. However, they top out at 130 pounds of mostly muscle and have the potential to be aggressive. You may also like: Most popular dog breeds that are good for families #10. Shih tzu Robert Nunnally /...
Also, it’s highly doubtful that most of the dogs we see people pushing around the stores are actually emotional support animals, but rather just the family pet that they don’t want to leave at home or in the car. In reality, aren’t all pets emotional support animals? After all, ...
How Many Hours a Day Do Dogs Sleep? - Puppies, Adults & Seniors 37 related questions found Are Doxies cuddlers? Why Dachshunds Make Wonderful Pets If you like to cuddle with your dog, you'll love having a dachshund. Theylove tocuddle and will snuggle under the covers if you let them....
Known to be independent thinkers, bullmastiffs makegood family petsif trained consistently. However, they top out at 130 pounds of mostly muscle and have the potential to be aggressive. You may also like:Most popular dog breeds that are good for families ...