given organic compounds,3-pentanone does not undergo the iodoform test. Hence, (D) is the correct option. Note: ... It also needs to remember that certain alcohols like ethyl alcohol and the secondary alcohols which can be converted into acetaldehyde or methyl ketones give the iodoform test....
TollensTestTollens试剂 AddammoniasolutiontoAgNO3solutionuntilprecipitatedissolves.银氨溶液 Aldehydereactionformsasilvermirror. (b)Fehling试剂: 砖红色 用于鉴别脂肪族醛和芳香族醛 硫酸铜溶液和酒石酸钠钾的混合碱溶液 19-15ReductionReagents Sodiumborohydride,NaBH4,reducesC=O,butnotC=C. ...