Of the land of Canaan, when come into it, which having sown, and it was harvest, either barley harvest or wheat harvest, or both, and especially the latter, to which reaping seems best to agree: thou shall not wholly reap the corner of the field; but a part was to be left for ...
Best way to explore Hong Kong is by using MTR, its cheap, efficient and it goes everywhere. Buy an octopus card, this can be used on the Airport Express and all public transportation (MTR, buses, minibuses, trams and ferries to the outlying islands). Shop till you drop at MONG KoK: ...
benefit beside besides best bet n/v打赌 better between beyond bicycle bid n/v出价,竞标 big big deal bill bind v.绑;约束 bird birth birthday bit adj.很小的adv有点儿. bite n/vt咬;咬伤; ...
FPS IT Ford Production System Information Technology 福特产品系统信息技术 FOB Ford of Britain 福特英国 FQRs Frequent Quality Rejects 经常性质量不合格品 FR Functional Requirements 功能要求 FRG FAO Reliability Guide...
material,it screenedoutvarious pathogenic如ngipamogenicbyQiu De—wenPh.D.whois thememberof InstituteofmeChinese Academy of Agricultural Science biologicalpreVention. 1Hs缸ial Soakd玛seed used5di缳糊1t treatments(6ug/ml,3u∥ml,2u∥ml,1.5u∥ml ...