How do Israelis, especially Iranians in Israel see Iran?Tara Mahtafar
BG:Iranians that operate from Syria or Lebanon against Israel are radical outposts that don’t just look to stabilise Syria but they like to build capabilities against Israel. And if those capabilities become potentially dangerous this is something very serious that we have to take in our consid...
But Israel will also never entirely leave the West Bank and Gaza. Israel will never separate itself from the Palestinians even after they gain a viable state (with many forms of external support). Israel and a Palestinian state will...
Do Iranians who oppose the Iranian government support economic sanctions on Iran? Economic sanctions a. When are economic sanctions likely to succeed? b. Why did sanctions succeed in convincing Iran to dismantle, at least for the next 10 years, its nuclear program? c. If Trump c In ...
Do Iranians who oppose the Iranian government support economic sanctions on Iran? What type of economic sanctions are put by America in other countries? Why can only America levy these sanctions? Will economic sanctions against Iran work or will it fu...
secrecysurroundingtheIranianprogram, rekindledadebateamongtheWesternallies andIsraelaboutwhetherincreased diplomaticpressure,sanctions,sabotageor militaryactioncouldstopIran’sprogram. InanefforttothwartIran’snuclearprogram, theUnitedStatesandtheEuropeanUnion ...
Iranian Constitutionalists of the early twentieth century - long before the West invented postmodernism or gave its blessings to post-colonial theory - that modernizers, even if inspired by the West, need to avoid “Westoxication,” Jalal Al-e Ahmad’s word for unconditional ...
TRADOCIntelligenceSupportActivity(TRISA)–Threats AttacksAgainsttheIranian NuclearProgram 15February2012 Dr.MajidShahriari’scaraftertheattack 1 OEATeamThreatReport G-2 U.S.UNCLASSIFIED Purpose ToinformreadersofthelocationsofIran’ssixmajornuclearsites