Shipping insurance is strictly for you, the seller. The buyer does not need it. (They have the eBay Money Back Guarantee.) Should the package eventually show up to the buyer after the refund, you hope for an honest person, because you would send them an invoice to to get a repayment....
(Singapore) Union Des Assurances Federales (Paris) Union Europeenne de CIC (Paris) Union Insurance (Vienna) UNIQA Finanz-Service GmbH (Wien) United Bank of Kuwait (London) United Overseas Bank (Singapore) United Saudi Commercial Bank (Riyadh) Universita' di Trento (Treno) US West (Bellevue) ...
Earlier studies indicated that engaging in any political process could act as insurance against the economic crisis. Faccio et al. (2006) noted that the firms that had a political connection in 35 countries were very likely to derive government bailouts during economic distress as compared to the...
InsuranceCoordinator保险协调员 ProjectManager项目经理 InventoryControlManager库存管理经理 RegionalManager区域经理 Manager(Non-ProfitandCharities)非盈利性慈善机构管理 ServiceManager服务经理 ManufacturingManager制造业经理 VendingManager售买经理 TelecommunicationsManager电信业经理 Vice-President副总裁 TransportationManager运输...