Most Americans assume that illegal aliens are not able to vote in U.S. election simply because it is “illegal” for illegal aliens to vote in the U.S. – Guess what! It’s “illegal” for illegal aliens to be in America too, and the government does not enforce those laws either....
“I Have More in Common with Americans Than I Do with Illegal Aliens”: Culture, Perceived Threat, and Neighborhood Preferences I Have More in Common with Americans than I Do with Illegal Aliens: Culture, Perceived Threat, and Neighborhood Preferences. Soc. Race Ethn. 2015, 1,... CA ...
Cassi A. MeyerhofferSouthern Connecticut State UniversityNew HavenSociology of Race and EthnicityMeyerhoffer, C.A. I Have More in Common with Americans than I Do with Illegal Aliens: Culture, Perceived Threat, and Neighborhood Preferences. Soc. Race Ethn. 2015, 1, 378-393. [CrossRef]...
I agree that insurance companies should be prevented from denying coverage from anyone and should be more accessible. I don’t believe the government can do the job any better. There is no evidence based on existing public options (Medicare, VA, Medicaid) that the government can do i...
I recently read the 2005 article "Illegal Aliens and American Medicine" by Madeline Pelner Cosman, Ph.D., Esq. (1) Unfortunately it appears that the author misinterpreted a statement concerning leprosy made by Sharon Lerner in a 2003 issue of The New York Times, which states: "...