Considering the molecular weight of TraM (26 kDa) and DDM (0.5 kDa), TraM in solution is in a hexameric state with about 90 detergent molecules. Crystal structures of the DotI and TraM periplasmic domain. To gain insight into the role(s) of DotI in type IVB secretion, we ...
Mol Plant Microbe Interact 24(3):368–376 CAS PubMed Google Scholar Cooper RW, Resende MLV, Flood J, Rowan MG, Beale MH, Potter U (1996) Detection and cellular localization of elemental sulphur in disease-resistant genotypes of Theobroma Cacao. Nat 379(6561):159–162 CAS Google Scholar ...
The paradox that confuses most people is étendue, whichseems(superficially) to violate Emmy Noether's Theorem. A quasi-collimated beam emanates from a source whose genesis is an ideally-Lambertian gas... and one understandably asks how can that be. The resolution to understanding is that latera...
" interact with clouds and reflect some of the Sun's energy back into space. They have a short-term cooling effect that's similar to how particles from major volcanic eruptions can cause global temperatures to drop. This masks some of the warming caused by much-longer-lived greenhouse gases...
In fact, HCMV infection of ECs supports viral replication and promotes the enhanced expression of the adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and vCAM-1 [91,92], as well as increased vascular permeability, which promotes recruitment of leucocytes, direct contact [92] and migration through the e...
In addition to the complement’s critical role in the innate immune system recognizing and killing, or targeting for destruction, complement proteins can also interact with cell surface receptors to promote a local inflammatory response and contributes to the protection and healing of the host. On ...
Oil and gas from a subsea blowout shatter into droplets and bubbles that rise through the water column, entraining ambient seawater and forming a plume. Local density stratification and currents eventually arrest this rising plume, and the entrained water, enriched with dissolved hydrocarbons and some...
they release several molecules that promote persistent inflammation and nociceptive stimulation, resulting in the gating of ion channels responsible for the generation and propagation of the noxious stimulus. The adoption of countermeasures to counteract the OSP progression and reduce the algic component app...
The main mechanisms whereby maternal obesity can affect infant neurodevelopment are related to the concentrations of maternal pro-inflammatory cytokines since they can cross the hemato-placental barrier and interact with fetal neurodevelopment, leading to factors that include neuroinflammation, increased ...
But,thereisacleardifrerencebetweena practicalgasunderhighpressureorlowtemperatureandanidealgas. Fromthestandpoint0f micro—analyses,theinteractiveenergybetweentwomoleculesisfarsmaller than山ekinetic energyofamoleculeunderlowpressureorhightemperatureandwecanomitth einteracti0n: however,underhighpressureorlow...