To qualify, open a new eligible Bank of America Advantage Banking account through the promotional page and set up and receive Qualifying Direct Deposits* totaling $2,000 or more into that new eligible account within 90 days of account opening. Bank of America Advantage SafeBalance Banking® fo...
and has one of the highest rebates. It's fully refundable or transferable. It also covers pretty much all expenses as long as they are spent inside the state. I'm certainly no tax expert, but my understanding is that its issued as a tax rebate at the end of the year. While there is...
Max.rebate$*Shade-outthreshold$Cut-outthreshold$ Lowincomeearner1,50030,00067,500 *Reducedby4cforeach$1oftaxableincomeover$30,000.Taxfreethresholdeffectively $16,000. SeniorAustralianTaxO set(SATO) LowincomeagedpersonMax.Rebate level$* Shade-out ...
The note book does not qualify for depreciation allowance under s.12(1)(b), as although it is an item of plant, its use is not essential to the production of assessable income. 0·5 Note 9. The self-education expense (half of the tuition fee) is deductible as the course is offered...