You will obviously needVinery- without vinery you won't get applewood :( <sub>Originally created and maintained by Berksire, this project was unfortunately set aside due to time constraints. Now, with great respect for their work, it returns in a fresh light as an official [Let's Do] add...
1.19.2 and above requires Architectury Architectury Download Do you like the Let's Do-Mods? You can support me on my Journey on creating Mods for Minecraft on my Patreon Questions, Feedback or Suggestions? Join our Discord Discord Dedicated to MissLilituCurseForge...
Struggling to figure out how to get mods in Minecraft? Learn how you can easily install mods into your game for an enhanced experience.
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(); public static final String MOD_ID = "examplemod"; public ExampleMod() { // Register the setup method for modloading FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus().addListener(this::setup); // Register the enqueueIMC method ...
modifications may require a beefier computer setup such as having a dedicated graphics processor or at least a higher-end cpu to really get the most out of it. additionally, for some mods you may need additional software packages installed like java in order to actually utilize all its ...
Minecraft 1.20.1 satisfy Requirements: Forge Let’s Do Candlelight is a great cooking and food based mod with some neat furniture and items to place your new dishes in as well as on any place-able surfaces. It’s best paired with some or all of the other mods in the [Let’s Do] ...
How to use: Look down as far as possible, then press "sneak" and then jump. To get up, sneak or jump. The player splits: Notes: This addon only works on version1.16.100 and above. If your version of minecraft is lower (1.16.5 \ 1.16.4 \ 1.16.0) this addon will not work!
Minecraft Launcher Comparison This will give you an overview over the various Minecraft (Java Edition) launchers and their features. Explanations: Modloader support means a way to install the modloader through the launcher directly, without downloading it separately. CurseForge blocked downloads: CurseF...
Otherwise, please refer to Minecraft Support for help with your account. How do I get a Minecraft Username? If this is your first time using Java Edition, then you must register a username to your account prior to playing on Lunar Client. You can register your username when you log in ...